And the winner is… METIS Cyberspace Technology!
We are very proud to have been announced as a SMART4SEA Award winner today at Europort 2023.
Our ShaPoLi solution, launched earlier this year, helps operators meet the ship’s required EEXI while ensuring that 100% of a vessel’s engine power is available if needed.
The main aspects though that make our ShaPoli solution stand out from the competition and the other distinguished shortlisted makers are the following:
- Our Shapoli solution is an integral part of the unified METIS platform, which offers one central point of real-time vessel monitoring and performance evaluation.
- Our Shapoli solution is shaft power meter agnostic, which enables our customers to choose whichever equipment they prefer and protect their initial investment in case they have already installed an SPM onboard.
- Our Shapoli solution offers Ship-to-shore data sharing in nearly real time so that the executives at the office have full visibility and all information at hand.

Andreas Symeonidis, Marketing & Partner Relations Manager, attended the award ceremony in Rotterdam and accepted the Smart Shipping Award on behalf of the company.
We would like to extend our thanks to the Smart4Sea team and the Europort Awards committee for this recognition, to everyone who voted for us, as well as to our customers for their trust and support, and most importantly, to our dedicated team whose hard work and ingenuity have made this achievement possible.